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Parenting bible: 1-3 years old children's nutrition diet is tie-in, quick collection!

A, nutritious diet

Plagued by baby's diet don't know how many parents, the parents always feel child refused to eat it, don't want to eat that, I don't know what to eat what? Take a look at below child nutritionist Liu Changwei give baby nutrition diet!

1. The milk

To continue breastfeeding children should continue to breastfeed, breast milk quantity about 600 ml/day, best can sustainable to 2 years old, let the child natural milk. Can't breastfeed, the best choice of infant formula milk powder 50-80 - g/day (equivalent to 350-500 ml of liquid milk). To refuse to accept formula, while children would like to drink pure milk, also can choose pure milk or unsweetened plain yogurt, sufficient to ensure the sources of calcium and other nutrients, to meet the child development and cause no adverse effects.

2. The staple food

From infancy to early childhood, staple food begins to increase gradually. Staple food generally refers to the grains, such as rice, wheat flour, corn, millet, making foods include rice, steamed buns, noodles, rice porridge, etc. Total amount is equivalent to 100-150 - g/day. Crop varieties more, cooking methods are varied, such as soft rice, rice porridge, noodles, bread, steamed rolls, dumplings, dumplings, wonton, rice pudding, etc. Often should take turns to replace both meet the requirements of the dietary diversity, and make it easier for young children to accept. Can also be a small amount of try to eat a potato, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes. Staple foods should be soft, and gradually to adults excessive, attention can't be too hard.

3. Vegetables and fruits

Rich in vegetables and fruits is beneficial to the health of children. The amount of fruits and vegetables can be 150-200 grams, from less to more. Vegetables to avoid more fiber such as leek, celery is not easy to digest and can choose leaves vegetables, spinach leaves, leaf vegetables, carrots, winter squash, high nutritional value of the dark or green vegetables such as tomatoes, diversity at the same time. Fruit also can choose diversification, such as apple, banana, peach, orange, seedless grapes, dragon fruit, etc.

4. Eggs, fish, lean poultry meat

Total eggs, fish, lean livestock meat every day adds up to around 100 grams. Thin livestock meat for 25 to 50 grams, thin livestock meat is iron, zinc, protein and other nutrients are good sources. But it should not be too much, especially red meat, otherwise it will increase too much saturated fat intake, long-term prone to overweight or obese. Can with meat and vegetables to make dumpling stuffing, give the child make dumplings, both health and delicious.

Every day or the next day an egg, or equivalent other eggs, can make tomato scrambled eggs, Fried shrimps with laver egg soup, steamed egg or meat steamed egg, etc.

Fish and shrimp, on average, 25 to 50 grams per day, the best fish 1-2 times a week (by mercury pollution risk small fish such as salmon, etc.), to obtain more DHA. In order to avoid the children eating fish will card, can do fish circle, etc.

5. Soy products

Can eat tofu, tofu. Is the kinds of tofu, preference firm tofu (BeiDouFu), tofu, they contain relatively high calcium, rather than the lactone tofu (contain relatively low calcium). Soya-bean milk nutrition value lower 800 ml (25 grams of soy can make soybean milk), does not fit within 3 years old infants and young children; Relatively hard bean curd stick, tofu skin, bean curd cake and other soy products best after eating at the age of 3. The whole grain of soybean, soybean sprout and edamame it is best to eat later at the age of 6.

Oil of 6.

At present, the market put a lot of, some even "all kinds of banner, give the child often choose cooking oil to parents at a loss. In fact, not a vegetable oil is perfect. Parents can choose soybean oil, salad oil, olive oil, sesame oil, flax seed oil, Perilla seed oil, etc., or several oil blend oil. Walnut oil and soybean oil, also can, but can't walnut oil myth.

7. Condiment

Salt, 1-3 g/day. Our country is a typical heavy taste, taste drawback is very obvious. High incidence of hypertension, but only a few important. Grab and preventing chronic diseases should children start, from the baby. Chidhood delicate taste, reducing salt intake. At the same time, do not eat excitant food tartly.

8. Supplements

1 to 3 years old still best vitamin D supplements, 400 international units a day, for the amount of vitamin D in food is very limited. If children have more outdoor activities, summer can not add, add periods of winter in the sun. Whether to add other supplements or be combined with the actual situation, if a balanced diet, and generally do not need.

Second, the meal arrangement

Attention to the cultivation of children's eating habits, let the children gradually develop good eating habits, timing and quantitative have regular meals. 5-6 meals a day, namely the main meal 3 times, the afternoon between meals can eat milk, fruit, meat before bedtime can also. Try to avoid sweet food and beverages, and less healthy snacks.

One day diet, for example

Breakfast: 1 floret volume or small steamed bread, steamed eggs or 0.5 one boiled egg, milk, 200 ml.

Breakfast: apple (1/2), or a few biscuits, snacks, etc.

Lunch: rice (rice + millet, a total of 50 grams), burning eggplant minced meat or pork Fried pepper, garlic Fried Fried green vegetables or spinach.

Snack: bananas (half root - 1), a small amount of biscuits, snacks or 200 ml milk, etc.

Dinner: pork fishball noodles or cabbage vegetables pork dumplings.

Delay: 200 ml milk.

Third, baby food

1. Healthy eating habits, food

Fine before a meal, is one of the important measures to children increase appetite. Whether the mood of happy at the dinner table, is crucial to determine whether children enjoy food; Don't often forcing children to eat or eat at her child, otherwise he would feel eating is a nasty thing.

2. Healthy eating habits, good food

After cooking to review: add non-staple food, want to change style, taste more, let the child every day, to be curious about food trade poor mother, might as well buy some children's diet home study.

3. The healthy eating habits, cooked food

Let the children involved in the production process, can let the children themselves with jam, add salt, because there are engaged, and love their own food. , for example, before a meal is called the child help desk, end piece, mix with seasoning, or introduce the food is on the table is to deliver its most fans, such as how to nutrition and taste.

4. Healthy eating habits, food

Adults sometimes because the emotional climate and poor appetite, if children time to eat, occasionally still don't feel hungry, they don't ask him to eat. Relative, let the child to try again in a while: if children feel hate for a certain food, may be only a temporary don't like it, you can try again in a while to let him eat.

5. Healthy eating habits -- for food

Learn to substitution principle: although foods is different, but the nutrients is can be replaced, if really do not like certain foods, try to find out the alternative food.

6. Healthy eating habits - feed tube

To avoid children eating alone, no discipline and guidance of the parents, usually carry disorderly, oneself think delicious to eat a little, other dishes rich in nutrition and will not rot; And eat a little bit, play a, either simply ate meals and pretends to pour out some.

7. Healthy eating habits -- with food

Try to be dinner time comes, the whole family together at the table eating habits, and the child must be finished their dish, if children don't eat, even if he wait for the hungry, and don't give him any snacks, over time, the child will develop timing and quantitative with food habits.

8. Healthy eating habits, food

For children some childish behavior on the edge of the table, to be more tolerant. The child is a child after all. Want to know the child's needs and understand the child's behavior ability, must not with not eating behavior as a quid pro quo with parents. Adults often pay attention to show his good, of course, good dining etiquette, manners and behavior because the child is often to you as a role model.

9. A healthy diet, snacks

Snack too much, if the children eat all the snacks, a time to should eat, children naturally unable to eat anything. Especially the junk food as far as possible not to give, avoid to cause "put the cart before the horse" can't eat dinner. "Say than parenting", children's imitate ability is extremely strong, if the adults eating habits is not normal, or often literally to eat snacks, naturally there is no reason to abide by the time the habit of eating for your kids.

Four, from poor eating habits

1. Healthy eating habits -- often don't eat

Modern society, people pay attention to in shape and lose weight. Some people in order to better shape, and chronic hunger or inadequate diet, or certain nutrients intake too little, the bad, will lead to a thin, fatigue, serious can cause all kinds of nutrient deficiencies. , Canon of plain question, has pointed out: "not into the valley, half day is gas, gas is less a day." Diet is not enough, especially the protein and the lack of heat, make the body is in negative nitrogen balance, constantly proteins in the body and converted into heat energy consumption for your needs, this can lead to metabolic disorders, growth disorders, immune function is low, lead to the occurrence of malignant malnutrition. If long-term lack of certain nutrients, can cause all kinds of nutrient deficiency.

2. Healthy eating habits -- often eat too full

Overeating, not only because of gastrointestinal burden and affect the digestion and absorption function, can also lead to nutrition surplus and cause disease. Overeating or too full for a long time, all can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction. Overeating fat, nutrition balance, some excess nutrients, accumulate in the body and cause metabolic disorders, can produce hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, etc. Plain question said nei jing, the change of sorghum, foot raw big malignant "and" daughter to, the main food, "said", despite being so much sputum, this is all in the...... eating festival is also ", generally refers to overeating or too fat caused by pathological changes.

3. Healthy eating habits -- -- too partial eclipse or mind

Junk food can lead to nutritional disorders, metabolic disorders, to produce a variety of disorders. Mind you, the same too can cause excess nutrition or affect the function of the viscera. If love to eat snacks, gastrointestinal function easily disorder, as snacks more contain sugar and fat, lack of protein and vitamins, can cause malnutrition or vitamin deficiency; And such as partial drinkers of salty food, but because of higher osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid, intravascular plasma volume increase, vascular resistance increases and lead to high blood pressure, or edema caused by kidney burden too much; Again, such as, partial drinkers of animal products, make too much cholesterol intake and cause hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, or a habitual constipation, hemorrhoids, and even prone to colorectal cancer. While partial vegetarian, easy to cause trace elements, such as vitamin B12 deficiency. Plain question already discussed nei, "eating salty setting of arteries and veins and discoloration, feed more bitter orange skin and Mao Ba · · · · · ·", many of them have been confirmed by modern science.

4. Healthy eating habits, often eat cold food or raw food

The ancients had already eating cold is an important cause of human illness, after the fire was discovered, began to advocate eating cooked food. State such as "rites" ancient "no cremation, containing the reality of the grass, the birds and beasts of meat, drink his blood, whether its MAO", and "simulated flight suiren, raw and cooked, an intestinal disease". Therefore, diet cooking process is to reduce an important aspect of the disease. Raw food, especially meat, fish is not only due to contain virus or parasite is sick easily, and often not easy to be digested absorb and damage the stomach. Cold not only stimulate intestines and stomach, cause indigestion, and easy to cause diseases such as asthma.

5. Healthy eating habits, eating too fast or too hot food

Eating too fast, swallowed, due to failing to give full play to the role of saliva digestive food and aggravate the burden of stomach, often form gastritis or gastric ulcer; And like a hot food can burn taste buds and cause loss of appetite, and oral and esophageal cancer; Such as squatting eat again, due to the blood circulation obstacle, can affect the digestion and absorption, leading to loss of appetite, digestive function disorder.

6. Healthy eating habits, eating unclean

Diet should be clean and no pollution. Like a lot of people eat fruit, without washing directly to eat, or you just eat a blunt, these are bad eating habits. As early as the han dynasty in our country has had an article discusses the diet health, points out that the impurity can endanger human body health diet, eating unclean thing can make the person poisoning and even death. Unclean food refers to the production, processing, storage, transportation, sales were contaminated. People eat by bacteria, mold, toxic chemicals and toxins pollution food, can cause a variety of food poisoning.

7. Healthy eating habits, food allergies

Some people due to eat regular harmless food allergic diseases are common. Food allergy by more fish, meat, eggs, milk and other foods that are rich in protein, but also have vegetables, fruit, allergies, the symptoms have allergic gastroenteritis, bronchial asthma, laryngeal edema, eczema, urticaria, oral ulcer and anaphylactic shock. To avoid a food allergy, should pay attention to diet after the anomalies, especially should pay attention to milk, shrimp, crab, mutton, octopus, silkworm chrysalis, ribbon fish, yellow croaker, snail, mushrooms, beans, lentils, bamboo shoots, pickled cabbage, etc. Food, such as allergic reactions, in a certain period of fasting.

8. Healthy eating habits, dietary guidelines

In the general population dietary refers to apply to 6 years old of above the crowd. First of all, food is diversiform, grain is given priority to, the collocation of thickness; Eat more fruits and vegetables and potato; Every day to eat milk, soy or its products; Often eat moderate amounts of fish, poultry, eggs, and meat; Reduce the dosage of cooking oil, eat a light less salt diet; Eating too much, exercise every day, keep a healthy weight; To the allocation of meals, snacks should be appropriate; Choose drink enough water every day, reasonable; Drinking should be limited; Eat more fresh health food. Both in the general population in most people, as long as adhere to a reasonable diet can enjoy healthy life.

Plain question already discussed nei, "eating salty setting of arteries and veins and discoloration, feed more bitter orange skin and Mao Ba · · · · · ·", many of them have been confirmed by modern science. Healthy eating habits often eat cold food or raw food the ancients had already eating cold is an important cause of human illness, after the fire was discovered, began to advocate eating cooked food. State such as "rites" ancient "no cremation, containing the reality of the grass, the birds and beasts of meat, drink his blood, whether its MAO", and "simulated flight suiren, raw and cooked, an intestinal disease". Therefore, diet cooking process is to reduce an important aspect of the disease. Raw food, especially meat, fish is not only due to contain virus or parasite is sick easily, and often not easy to be digested absorb and damage the stomach. Cold not only stimulate intestines and stomach, cause indigestion, and easy to cause diseases such as asthma.