Diapers and lala pants You don't know


About the diapers and lala pants You don't know What are the advantages of lala pants? Lala pants say again into trousers, toddler pants. Is used as a transition of diapers and general underwear: USES the same material as the diapers and structure. The main difference lies in the lala pants are training pants, it is free to wear off, like little underwear and diapers that is a bit weak. Lala pants are generally use after baby one full year of life, baby will go after, also need to be trained in the urine, so lala pants is convenient, is equivalent to give your baby to wear a cotton underwear, can achieve the goal of training and preventing the baby's urine trousers. Lala pants is not only a common diapers urinary function, lala is elastic waistband department, and has the function of the shorts. For active baby, lala pants pants design is better than diapers, dress in a more personal, and flexible, convenient to the baby's activities. Also can help reduce mother overworked, let baby easily learn walking. How old baby wear pants? Lala pants are mainly considering the baby activity ability gradually strengthened, in order to adapt to the baby crawling, standing, walking and running, etc. So, small make up think the baby will take, especially after the climb (usually 7, 8 months) can consider using lala pants, or in the use of M or L diapers can match use lala pants, but remember, it too early to and during the excessive and diapers with collocation, lala pants without the baby lying down, standing to wear off, also pretty convenient. Big baby, of course, also can use the same general diapers, lala pants just give mothers have one more convenient choice. About the diapers and lala pants You don't know Lala pants to wear? Wear it: like to wear underwear set up directly, if you want to loose or tight points can tear the Velcro adjustable. Take off: some brand lala pants have stickers on both sides, you can tear the sticker directly to take off her pants, with no stickers lala pants, can also keep the waist on both sides of the sealing tore off her pants. The above time, baby wear more in the winter. Use can reduce lala pants. The use of lala pants tips Mixer lala pants usually can be use after baby will crawl. When the baby will go after, also need to be trained in urine. Although very convenient, but the price will more expensive than diapers, so suggested that mothers combined with diapers are used together. Mixer lala pants should be used lively baby. Many big months baby kicking for every time when changing diapers, mom is not easy to operate, with lala pants would be easier, because of her baby pants don't have to lie on your back this feature, go out not convenient can choose lala pants when the baby lying down. Low months baby diapers to suit choice, because their droppings number is more, and they will not stand, lost the meaning of using lala pants. Low months baby diapers to suit choice, because their droppings number is more, and they will not stand, lost the meaning of using lala pants. , with the increase of baby months baby body activities become more and more rich, from started to roll over, sit down, to learn to learn to climb, learning to walk, change the diapers are becoming more challenging; This time the baby is cognitive and explore the world through play, don't be bothered to play can help the baby more focused, more conducive to cognitive development. But as the baby grow up slowly, the baby can be a constant reminder to urinate, slowly is don't have to pull pants, train baby own urine. Healthy life (source: sig)
