Local diapers to build brand welcomed and industry globalization


Recently, the reporter visits, found that many ceramics, paper, milk powder companies announced a high-profile foray into the diapers, and while a surge in new brand, kao, curious and other traditional brands abroad stepped in to the layout of the domestic channels. According to the MPE company predicts that by 2017, the Chinese diapers market scale will expand to 120 billion yuan, in the Chinese market to foreign brands will reach 200. The industry is generally believed that diapers industry, in the period of highlighting the infighting reshuffle is inevitable. Diapers when the market is huge, but also competition is intense, the rational response to market, combining with creative marketing for enterprises to win the party development is a long-term solution.

"Right" hot diapers industry

As is known to all, "after 80" has entered the stage of children's comprehensive, kiss bei institute, according to data from the next three years to 54.93 million babies are born, "baby boom" has struck a third time. With the change of consumption idea, a new generation of young parents baby diapers in domestic consumer demand significantly stronger trends, this let baby diapers industry as a potential huge market.

Related reports, the Chinese government of "two child policy", and is likely to have a second child of about 90 million pairs of husband and wife, before 2050, the working-age population will increase by 30 million, China was seen as a potential market. China USES the average baby disposable diapers is 21 piece, five years ago has risen to 39 pieces of last year. It is reported, China's consumption per person in market penetration of baby diapers and baby diapers cost is still a big gap compared with developed countries. Ms cheung bei institute analyst said, the United States and other developed countries, diapers rate nearly 100%, Chinese diapers penetration is only 30% ~ 40%.

In fujian, a 32-year-old woman said, "because both husband and wife work outside for a long time, the old man took the child, the baby three and a half years old still use diapers." This reflects the typical dependence on a new generation of mom for diapers.

The huge market demand is the root of diapers to build brand hot, falling from the industry barriers to entry and raw materials, high degree of product maturity and industry machinery, external favorable factors, forming a "right" the best time, in its bid to make a lot of the boss.

"This year, we will invest $2 to create a new brand of diapers." Jinjiang a veteran diapers material supplier Mr Ma (a pseudonym) told reporters, their diapers brand will take on the market the best equipment and process, the quality is not lower than the international line of big shop sign, but the price is absolutely populist. There are full of confidence to win ceramics, the reporter learned that the company is also in the industries of power is at the end of diapers, investment scale is not small. In addition, the quanzhou shu shuang sanitary products co., LTD., "Susan mommy" diapers made card less than half a year, the condition of the market sell like hot cakes, all let all move. "Recently, we are also looking for business friend, emphasize diapers and adult pants." Jinjiang some foreign trade company executives miss Yang told reporters.

"From the first wave of 2008 diapers enterprises produce up to now, the brand to produce diapers based enterprises, such as baby comfortable treasure, finches, Anne er joy and some other local brands are doing a good job." Hung industry more than 20 years, miss Yang said, compared with other industries, diapers industry admittance threshold is low, the investment risk is small, return is good, in recent years, unless it is blind expansion or enterprise product quality is very poor, general enterprise brand or OEM live relatively moist.

Diapers industry itself is good on the one hand, miss Yang also told reporters the industries "critical point". Now, she says, the investment for a brand of diapers could be the lowest cost. First, before buying a import diapers machinery production line to 5 million to 10 million yuan, homebred at least 3 million yuan, now only need to professional machinery leasing company lease can be; Second, the diapers when compared to the cost of raw materials save 20% ~ 30% in the previous years; Third, high mechanization degree of diapers, ten workers left and right sides, can begin to assembly line production. Fourthly, between different brands of diapers almost finished, mature technology, market selling products new brand can be done immediately; Moreover, diapers easy circulation preservation, promotion and marketing channels and the cost is low.

"In general, a new brand diapers as long as the quality is guaranteed, inwardly a big province, a couple of million a year in sales is not a problem." For diapers status quo of data collection and analysis, more firm determination of miss Yang entrepreneurship.

Thousand brand cluster or accelerate the industry reshuffle

In recent years, the giant bain and biostime milk powder, shampoo brand wuyang, paper giant shun jie soft, vader successively in overweight diapers industry. In addition, according to bei institute of statistics, in 2014 China around 1200 diapers industry brand. Local a diapers material supplier bright elder brother tells a reporter, jinjiang greatly small upstream and downstream enterprises are no less than thousands associated with diapers, diapers light play there are hundreds of brands.

"There's a diapers at Southampton and jinjiang factory, hope the company can be bought." Quanzhou union paper co., LTD., chairman of Wu Jiaolong tells a reporter, along with the infant child market hot, diapers industry this "cake" although looks very beautiful, but in fact are not good "eat". Polarization is relatively serious, unless it is find a way of brand or one or two lines to brand foundry pattern is very difficult to survive.

According to introducing, the two companies are also taking brand line before, but is adopted in the traditional mode of distributor, the goods are in the channel, the receivable is slow, and if have urgent, dealers also have to have the goods returned to. This leads to brand the way to go, so we have to give another brand OEM, and the current market is the profit is not high, the brand out of contract won't be high-end products, low-end products OEM, both of us no excess profit. It can be said that the two are looking for the acquisition of diapers manufacturer is very representative, a lot of only one or two production line manufacturers, are facing the embarrassing situation.

The reporter learns to visit enterprise, good enterprises has now started, passion and poorly run factories, has not yet started, because of lack of order. Last year, the diaper iteration is very fast, also in the popular "big ring waist" "the hourglass pants" has swept up this year, the previous diapers manufacturers can be 3 to 5 years in a device, and now manufacturers to remain competitive, basically every year to update your equipment. But equipment update, for factory is a big investment, and diapers is product homogeneity is very serious, can be said to be the low barriers for high technology industries, the competition is fierce.

"In addition, most of the equipment for 1 minute before the 300 or so, and now the basic equipment 1 minute in 400 ~ 500, once the marketable product is not right, the pressure is very big also, equipment is advanced, the greater the pressure." Wu Jiaolong told reporters that the company's "best ni shu" brand, the domestic market can go is relatively stable, because the brand has a very solid foundation in foreign countries, there are enough to support the factory outside the single operation. No single complementary businesses, especially the new brand of pressure.

In addition to domestic brand constantly emerging, international brand channel sinking trend is increasingly obvious, even by a few manufacturer in China established a production base. In Wu Jiaolong point of view, although the international brand channels sinks, but mainly concentrated in a second-tier cities, at the same time, the local consumer brand awareness will be stronger. In order to avoid competition with these big face, a joint paper "optimal ni shu" brand around coastal cities, mainly into three or four line city, it has been proved that this strategy is right, in the city, "optimal ni shu" already have considerable visibility.

Previously, hengan diapers development director wang gz, once told the media, said the rise of diapers industry would undergo gradual consolidation and reshuffle at the end of the consolidation.

Creative marketing into diapers to break "killer app"

Huge market, competition is intense, industry admittance threshold is low, serious product homogeneity, under this background, the international premium brands such as curiosity, pampers, kao is a "handsome" Grosvenor LTD, domestic well-known brand's birds, baby comfortable treasure of all is, how to play the market to achieve breakthrough new brand, a lot of the personage inside course of study thinks, quality is absolutely the first and the rest is play. Who can have a good marketing ideas and play, who will be able to occupy the market.

In terms of brand, also always do better than domestic companies. "In the domestic market at present, the basic pampers and curious only two foreign companies will advertise on media, as well as some real brand promotion, domestic manufacturers in the high-end diapers and brand operation is basically not involved." Mommy, the Soviet union, 'says Susan doing diapers, many domestic manufacturers of basic ideas are as long as the things produced, and then to a the cheapest price to sell.

Low price although can win a lot of market, but the Soviet union, in charge of the Susan mommy is engineering light assets operation. "Precisely, our branding is less than half a year, all the products are looking for local manufacturers foundry, but the overall sales development and brand reputation is good." Now the competition is not, in his opinion, channels and product, but the differentiation of marketing. "Intention of consumers will find, our product packaging, brand identity, do more sophisticated, the inner packing of the products on the processing of detail is more perfect. The same is lala pants, different manufacturers of the specifications of the basic about the same size, but a lot of times an edge grinding a small technology can highlight the product differentiation."

In addition to the brand, product details, the future technical threshold will be more and more is also high. Miss Yang told reporters that plans to build a brand of diapers on the selling point of deodorization is more outstanding, the deodorization technology is patented technology and materials, in terms of performance and parameters can bring a whole new experience to consumers, can instantly create differentiation with other brands, pull open class.

In addition, many in the industry also said that the price of raw materials, production equipment, research and development costs, channel costs will affect the production cost of diapers, especially the present brand and product elements have become two of diapers industry competition.

For the future development, the Soviet union, 'says this is domestic companies a chance. "On the one hand, the domestic enterprises can be more cost-effective products to attract consumers to buy; on the other hand, through the Internet channel to open channels to avoid the competition with foreign brand in the traditional channels; at the same time, can also through shaping its own product brand reach a cooperation with suppliers, to control the upstream supply chain." (source: jinjiang news)
